General terms
of use

Here is the fantastic policy
of all our « The Beautiful Trip » services.
  • Last update: 10 février 2016
  • 1 – Our services, involving mainly - but not only - The Beautiful Walk and The Beautiful Ride, aim to add an extra experience to your daily routine. Involvement, team spirit, open mindness to foreign cutlures, regular effort and a sense of fair-play constitute the foundation of our services.
  • 2 – When you suscribe, your connection informations to third-party applications are required. All or parts of these informations might be kept in order to ensure a fluid service, and an automatic retrieval of your activities (several times a day). The potential sensitive information collected will be stored, encrypted.
  • 3 – No information is personnally identifying : it is understood that creating an account requires a username (a pseudonym), which does not, by design, have to be related in any way to your own real identity.
  • 4 – We store informations related to your activity from the moment you subscribe, even the ones undirectly linked to walking or cycling. As an example of other types of information we keep: difference in altitudes. We collect these informations in order to be able to offer you adventures and events such as mountain climbing, to follow through with our example.
  • 5 – For any reason, and especially because of disagreeing with points 2 and 4 above, you can, at any time, delete your account and consequently every related data, via your user profile. This operation is definitive and irrevocable.
  • 6 - In return, our team reserves the right to delete or suspend your account without any justification. However, except in case of emergency, this kind of operation shall be preceded by an inquiry and getting in touch with you.
  • 7 – We are open to discussion. If any content or approach seems inapropriate or incorrect, or if you happen to enjoy using our services, send us an email to!